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Creating a better future for Australian apple and pear growers,
through industry leadership and commercial advancement.

Australia is the 20th largest exporter in the world, exporting goods worth $243b. Agriculture is a key driver of this figure through our livestock, wheat, barley and now, through citrus and table grape exports.

Three decades ago, Australian apple and pear exports exceeded 30 per cent of marketable production. Since then, high production costs, complex export protocols and a high Australian dollar have slowed industry’s appetite for supplying fruit to overseas markets.

Today, just 1–2 percent of our marketable production of apples are sent overseas, and approximately 8 per cent of pears. Of these, a large proportion is ad hoc or opportunistic, sourced by consolidators in wholesale markets rather than as part of a planned export program.

With an international reputation for quality, product integrity, ethical supply chain practices and the geographic location to fill seasonal windows, the Australian apple and pear industry has many competitive advantages.

APAL has set a target of lifting industry exports to 10 per cent of the marketable production by 2027.



