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Creating a better future for Australian apple and pear growers,
through industry leadership and commercial advancement.


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As fruit approaches maturity and is ready to pick, critical decisions need to be made about storing, packaging, and selling the fruit.

Thanks to advances in cold storage technology, Australian consumers can enjoy crisp, juicy and firm local apples year-round. Our geographic location presents lucrative opportunities for local growers to fulfil seasonal shoulder in other parts of the world.

A considerable portion of growers’ levy funds go into researching the impact of various post-harvest management techniques and post-harvest disorders.

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  • Post - Harvest Quality

Post-Harvest Quality

During the post-harvest phase, there are a myriad of decisions to be made (often jointly) by the grower and pack house manager that will determine fruit storability and the quality of the pack out and (ultimately) the consumers’ eating experience. Production techniques, variety, maturity at harvest, and storage techniques are all increasingly driven by technology and must be assessed in determining the optimal storage regime and period for preserving quality

Post – Harvest Diseases & Disorders

Apples and pears are suspectable to numerous post-harvest disorders such as scalds, rots and moulds, which impact the aesthetic and taste qualities of the fruit, and ultimately its saleability.Scientific research and technology continue to minimise and prevent post-harvest losses by improving growers’ and pack house managers’ understanding of storage performance and cold store management techniques

Food Safety

Growers and packers invest significant time and money in applying good manufacturing practices and ensuring compliance with safety standards such as Freshcare. Improving these food safety practices and understanding the sources of physical, chemical and microbial risks are vital if the fresh produce industry is to prevent costly product recalls and devastating reputational damage.

Packaging & Waste

A global ‘war on waste’ has been declared by consumers, and retailers are under pressure to reduce plastic and excess packaging. But any reduction in packaging must be balanced against the benefits that packaging provides for marketing, traceability, food safety and quality.
