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Victoria introduces new labour hire licensing scheme


This summary originally appeared on Citrus Australia on 1 April.

The new labour hire licensing scheme will commence in Victoria on 29 April 2019.

The Victorian Parliament passed the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018 (the Act) following the Victorian Inquiry into Labour Hire and Insecure Work.

Labour hire is generally where one business provides labour to another business, but different industries may use other words to describe this arrangement.

Growers can check whether their business provides labour hire as defined in Victoria under the Act. There is information here on the Victorian Government website. The Government has said those that are uncertain should seek independent legal advice.

This Act introduces a licensing scheme for all providers of labour hire. Its objectives are to protect labour hire workers from being exploited and improve the transparency and integrity of the labour hire industry.

The Act establishes the Labour Hire Licensing Authority to oversee the licensing system to regulate the provision of labour hire services, to ensure all Victorian labour hire providers are licensed and that users of labour hire only use licensed providers.

An applicant for a labour hire licence must satisfy several tests including being a fit and proper person and compliance with existing workplace laws. Applications for a labour hire licence can be made from 29 April 2019 through the Labour Hire Authority website.

The Act includes a six-month transition period to allow labour hire providers who make valid applications to continue to operate while their applications are being considered. The Authority website will publish details of applications received and a Register of Licensed Labour Hire Providers.

The Authority will work in partnership with State and Commonwealth agencies to protect the rights of workers in Victoria.

For more information about the labour hire licensing scheme, to check provider obligations, register for one of the Government’s state-wide information sessions or subscribe to e-news updates, visit

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